
If you have more than approximately 20 transactions per day or if you just want a solution that is completely automatic autoEDI is the right solution. in an autoEDI solution received EDI files are automatically read directly into your ERP system and EDI files are created automatically based on data read out from your ERP system

Is build on a standard automation software package
The autoEDI solution is build upon a standard Business Process Automation software package.  The software package we use is TaskCentre from Orbis Software. In conjunction with our unique EDI tools for TaskCentre we create an extremely flexible EDI solution that supports all file formats, not only the usual EDI formats like X12 and EDIFACT but also any type of fixed-length or CSV or TAB separated files.

Describing an EDI file
Mapping the EDI files is done in no timeusing the interactive EDI editor where you buils you mapping using intuitive drang and drop tecniques. If you have an example EDI file from you business partner you can import the file and – literally – be up and running reading and creating EDI files within a few hours. If you want to use your own ressources to build the mappings you will not have to pay us to do it, and if you have many business partners and many formats you may even see the autoEDI solution becoming cheaper than an easyEDI solution.

Integration to your ERP system
The integration to your ERP system is handled by TaskCentre’s ERP Connectors. You an get connectors to a wide range of ERP systems such as SAP Business One, Sage, Microsoft Navision and many more. Contact us to hear if we can integrate the autoEDI solution to your ERP system. Due to the flexibility of TaskCentre you are not limited to eg interpreting an incoming EDI file and read it into the ERP system. You can also perform a range of other tasks automatically triggered by the reception of an EDI file. Examples are sending an email with the extracted content of the EDI file, starting a workflow if you want the EDI file to be approved  before being read into the ERP system…. your imagination is the limit.

Installed on your own server
TaskCentre and the EDI tools are usually installed locally on your server but the solution can also be hosted. Please contact us to discuss the options that will suit your company.

Please fill the contact form, contact us via email on or call us at +45 6089 7755 ti discúss the posibility for you to have an autoEDI solution.