
webEDI is the ideal solution for smaller comapnies with just a few EDI transactions and companies that don’t want to spend  a lot of money on an EDI solution.

The solution can be used to receive EDI orders and send EDI invoices to a range of international companies. Please contact us to hear if the webEDI solution covers the companies you need to communicste with. If your customers are not yet covered, chances are that we can quickly include them in the solution.

The webEDI solution works like this:

When you receive an EDI order
When you receive an EDI order the file is read into our online webEDI system and you receive an email.
You log into the webEDI solution on the internet using your personal username and password and see the order. You can see who has sent the order, what they have ordered and where and when the goods should be delivered. Now you enter the information into you ERP system manually.

When you are sending and EDI invoice
When you have delivered the merchandise you need to send an invoice. By pressing a button in webEDI an invoice is created based on the order you received. You can read the invoice and ensure that is corresponds to the invoice in your ERP system. When you are satisfied with the invoice you approve it and it is automatically sent as an EDI file. If you need you can also enter an invoice or credit note directly into the webEDI application if you need to.

What do you have to do yourself?
When you enter into an webEDI agreement easyEDI Ltd takes care of setting up our online system and EDI adresses. We make sure that the EDI formats are approved by your customer and help you get started receiving and sending EDI files.

Please remember the following:

  • If you are going to use EDI and you don’t already have an EDI address (a GLN) you will need to get one. How you do that is different for each country but we can help you.
  • Many EDI receivers require you to have a barcode on each item you send.
If you want to get started using EDI you can fill in the contact form, send us an email on  info@easyedi.dk or call us on +45 6089 7755